The Generative AI Summit 2024 NZ is your chance to meet and engage with a highly targeted and engaged audience of business leaders, government decision makers, experts, and practitioners who are actively looking for the latest AI solutions to improve their organisations.

If you can help these businesses maximise this opportunity with your technology or expertise, then you need to be at the Generative AI Summit.


Why Sponsor/Exhibit:

The event offers numerous opportunities for sponsors to network, share their expertise, and build their reputation as thought leaders in the AI and tech space. This is your opportunity to:

  • Gain vital insight into where the AI space is headed and where organisations are spending their money
  • Hear from buy-side professionals on their pain points when implementing and using AI in their organisations and understand how you can solve them
  • Network with business leaders, decision makers and your peers to make valuable connections
  • Contribute to the conversation by showcasing your solutions to solve the challenges of AI while maximising the opportunities


Sponsoring or exhibiting at the Generative AI Summit 2024 NZ will provide a unique opportunity to raise your company profile and create greater awareness of your brand. Our packages can be tailored to ensure you will meet and influence the people who are going to ensure the growth of your business now and in the future. Get in touch, and let’s figure out what we can do together.


Download prospectus

Who Should Sponsor:

The types of companies that will benefit from sponsoring include any organisation with solutions for business and government leaders who are actively looking at deploying generative AI within their organisations or are already doing so. This includes sponsors from:

  • Large tech companies that have developed advanced generative AI applications
  • AI-focused startups looking to network and showcase their products and services
  • Tech companies offering services and solutions for AI platforms or tools
  • Hardware suppliers with a focus on generative AI
  • Tech consultancies, implementation experts, deep learning and machine learning experts, or chatbot solution providers
  • Consulting and professional services firms that specialise in AI and who are looking to expand their client base
  • Any company interested in advancing the field of AI while building relationships with decision makers, business or government leaders, potential customers, and investors

Download prospectus

Additional detail on the types of delegates who will attend this ground-breaking event can be seen here:

Who Attends